Image matching with higher-order geometric features

Published in Optical Society of America, 2010

Paramanand Chandramouli, Ambasamudram N Rajagopalan’


We propose a geometric matching technique in which line segments and elliptical arcs are used as edge features. The use of these higher-order features renders feature representation efficient. We derive distance measures to evaluate the similarity between the features of the model and those of the image. The model transformation parameters are found by searching a 3-D transformation space using cell-decomposition. The performance of the proposed method is quite good when tested on a variety of images.



@article{paramanand2010image, title={Image matching with higher-order geometric features}, author={Paramanand, C and Rajagopalan, AN}, journal={JOSA A}, volume={27}, number={4}, pages={739–748}, year={2010}, publisher={Optica Publishing Group} }